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We're leading the charge on Generative AI, advanced machine learning and cloud computing.

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Innovation is Priceless

Dive into our collection of insightful articles and posts, where we explore the frontiers of Generative AI, advanced machine learning, and cloud computing. 

Our insights and analyses come from decades of work in legal technology. Our aim is to illuminate the latest trends and breakthroughs, showcasing our leadership and pioneering efforts in these transformative technologies.

Case Study: Sherlock Finds Key Trial Documents in 220 Gigs of Emails—Right Before Trial

Learn how Sherlock processed a massive amount of data and uncovered 13 relevant documents in… Will Chat GPT Replace Ediscovery Review Teams?

Merlin's CEO, and Chief Data Scientist showcase further research in a new article about ChatGPT… What Will Ediscovery Lawyers Do After ChatGPT?​

Merlin's CEO, and Chief Data Scientist wrote a key article on the use of ChatGPT…

Article: Single-Tenant Networks: A New Paradigm for Cloud Security

Merlin's CEO wrote this article published about a new paradigm for ediscovery cloud security for…

Article: Zero Trust Networks A New Approach to Security in the WFH (home) and WFC (cloud) Era

Zero Trust Networks New Approach to Security in the WFH (home) and WFC (cloud) Era

What is Search 2.0

In this video, CEO John Tredennick provides an introduction to the next generation of search,…

NewLaw in a New Era: A Conversation about Innovation Possibilities

We got together recently to talk about the concept of NewLaw and how it related…

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